Monday, February 8, 2010

05/02 Sharing Day ~~

These day quite busy with my stuff and the tm net line was not good . Whenever i wish to blogging the line sure face some problem...reallly hate 2 see it ! But finally, i blog agiab..Yeah !!

Last Friday night, I went for a gathering in between me and my close colleague(Caesar,Chloe, Ery,and eunice) in Genting Kelang. There are four of us and in-consequently we had discuss about the past...about the future as well. And from what them spoke to me, im seeing every single colleague going leave the company soon. Well, I just can wish them good luck for future.

What we talk during the gathering??

It's a super memorable memories, she talk about her past..he talk abut his past...and me I just a Crying Listener. I wish to share mine stories but I cant coz I keep dropping my tears and I was shame coz others looking at me thought what happen to me. Actually my heart was crying when I'm in the car listen to the sad song but I'm keep pretend coz I don't want them worry about me. It very obvious, I'm still in the situation and havent run out from there yet, may be one day I will. Perhaps perhaps perhaps...Well, their stories it really make me wow.. I wish they all good luck to get someone who is forever for them and same as me. I was deeply hurt, but everything have to moved on . Since after I heard they love story then i tell my self my past was a peanut case. And I believe there's lot hills and mountain waiting me to cross over and win it !!

What I believe is...Every single man have their own wonderful story. Although is not a complete story with happy ending but I will keep on finding and I will keep my story on the Happy-track.

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